Want sales as hot as the summer? 9 killer tips to consider.

By Enas El Masry
Summer Sales

The only constant is change, especially in the food and beverage industry. Market fluctuations are influenced by everything, from the cyclical turn of seasons to holidays and drastic events, like an economic meltdown or a global pandemic. Whether or not you can see the blow coming, you should always be prepared to pivot, readjust, and play every possible card to stay afloat or, better yet, ahead of the game.

This year things are lighter. Most countries have opened up, and people are hungry for more freedom. This means that the demand for new experiences is going through the roof. If you play your cards right, this is the year you can bounce back stronger than ever.

Here are are 9 ideas to help you take advantage of the summer vacation in all its glory:

  1. 1. Take your food on the road

Over the past year, the ability of so many restaurants to offer a seamless delivery experience has proven to be crucial to their survival. Delivery is the new normal, and in order to attract some attention, you need to spice up your approach. Although not novel, food trucks are one means of expanding your reach and going the extra mile to be where your customers are. So, pack up your kitchen and get ready to spread your scrumptiousness all over town.

  1. 2. Offer some Limited-Time seasonals

Despite its harsh weather, the summer feel is one of cool and freshness. Create chillers and tropical smoothies that are only available during the summer. Add a twist to your menu and dare to go wild and inventive with your use of seasonal fruits. You can complement your new menu vibe by redecorating your venue with plants and colorful ornaments. As a bonus, remember to source locally and support your community. Nothing says fresh like a 'farm-to-table' menu.

  1. 3. Make sure there's something for everyone on your menu

From committed vegetarians and low-carb dieters to last-minute summer-body goal seekers, the way people eat is becoming ever so varied. Being inclusive doesn't necessarily mean compromising your brand identity, but it certainly means a wider audience who feel welcome at your restaurant.

  1. 4. Pack a little fun with order deliveries

Delivering food to your customers' doorstep went from a luxury to a necessity overnight. Now that you're -hopefully- a pro at selling your food online (if you're not, boy do we have something for you, just book a demo here 😜), it's time to slip in a little add-on with the delivered meals. It could be a 'thank you' note for the customers who have supported your business during the rough times, a simple printable version of classic games like Ludo, or even a coloring sheet to occupy the kids while the parents attend to work or set the table.

  1. 5. Offer DIY meal kits

Cooking can be a fun activity for the entire family, especially when the ingredients are half-prepared and ready for the final touches. DIY meal kits add a homey feel to the meal and allow your customers to feel connected to your brand on a different level. This is especially great if you offer bbq items on your menu. Just imagine the smile on the dad's face when they make the perfect bbq for their families. Complement DIY meals by sharing some of your recipes with your community. Using a campaign hashtag, your community can record their attempts at recreating your recipes, or they can simply snap photos of the final outcome, which makes for a great pool of user-generated content.

  1. 6. Host dine-in and virtual event nights

Hosting events at your restaurant is a great way to generate traffic and attract new customers, especially if you're lucky enough to have an outdoor space. Add some music and entertainment to liven up the atmosphere. The more you get your customers to have a good time, the better they will remember you.

  1. 7. Beachside delivery

Not to toot our own horn, but, at Zyda, we have worked really hard on giving restaurants new options and methods to improve their business. One of the ways we've done that is by providing our customers in Egypt with a way to deliver orders straight to the beach, down to the umbrella number 🏖️. Learn more about beach ordering here.

  1. 8. Get creative with pick-up packaging

Where will the customer eat their picked-up meal? Will it be somewhere controlled such as their home or their office, or could they simply want to have a fun and casual meal on the go? To cater to customers hoping to enjoy the fresh air along with their meals, some restaurants invested in designing pick-up packages that guarantee effortless and hassle-free dining. So, whether the customer is in a park, in the car, or out in the middle of nowhere, they can enjoy their food with ease.

  1. 9. Paint a more personal picture of your brand

Marketing communications are key to your business success, but you mustn't overlook the quality of communicated content as you push for quantity. Oftentimes, restaurants pour all of their marketing efforts into promoting new offers and menu items. While your food might be delicious, there is certainly more to your business than the items on sale - there is the story that got you and your business to where you are today, and this story is valuable and worth telling.

During the dire times since the pandemic swept the globe, everyone was reminded of the value of community and the need to belong to one in order to survive. Telling your story and inviting your customers into your world is the first step towards building a community and reminding the world that business is equally about the people as it is about the transaction.

So, go out there, embrace the summer spirit, and let the festive paradigm color your business in the fresh hues of life and celebration.

Contact Zyda today and discover how our solutions can help you stand out and succeed in the competitive online food market.