Blog - Zyda

Overcoming Challenges for Your Online Business

Written by Hassan Hesham | June 22, 2024

In recent times, many individuals have embarked on new hobbies or entrepreneurial ventures, leading to a surge in side hustles and online stores. With the convenience of establishing and managing businesses from home, the emergence of home restaurants and affiliate businesses on platforms like Instagram and Facebook has been remarkable. Despite the challenges, people have demonstrated resilience and creativity in finding ways to thrive amidst adversity.


Starting a business from home offers numerous advantages, including lower costs, simplified operations, and reduced risk. However, scaling up can pose challenges. At Zyda, we understand the hurdles faced by entrepreneurs, and we're here to help you navigate them.


Challenge 1: Manual Processes Overload

Handling every aspect of your business manually can be overwhelming. From responding to customer inquiries to managing orders and payments, the workload can quickly become unmanageable.


Solution: Automate Your Processes

Utilize a pre-built website where you can easily showcase your menu and integrate it with a secure payment gateway. Include the "order food" button in your Instagram bio to enable customers to browse and place orders conveniently. While personal interaction with customers is valuable, automation streamlines order management, allowing you to focus on maintaining food quality.


Challenge 2: Stock Management Dilemma

Limited production capacity can lead to items going out of stock prematurely, resulting in customer disappointment and missed opportunities.


Solution: Implement Capacity Management

Choose a platform that offers automated tracking of inventory for each item. Set daily production quantities and limit orders accordingly to prevent overselling. Unlike traditional stock management tools requiring manual adjustments, automated capacity management ensures accurate tracking and prevents stockouts.


Challenge 3: Delivery Logistics

Operating from home often means limited delivery options, leading to inconvenience for customers who prefer on-demand delivery.


Solution: Integrate with Delivery Partners

Integrate your website with a reliable delivery company to automate order dispatch and ensure timely delivery. Specify preparation times to coordinate pickup schedules effectively. Offering live order tracking enhances the customer experience and increases satisfaction.


Looking for a solution to overcome these challenges? Contact us now and discover how Zyda can streamline your online business operations and drive growth.