Seize Control, Maximize Profits with Zyda's Control Solutions

Empower your business with Zyda's Control Solutions, offering comprehensive tools to take charge of your operations and customer insights. From tracking customer traffic to preventing fake orders, Zyda gives you the tools to enhance efficiency while boosting your bottom line. Gain access to all customer insights in one centralized platform, enabling you to make informed decisions without the need for intermediaries.

Master Your Operations with Zyda's Control Solutions

Take command of your restaurant's success with Zyda's comprehensive Control Solutions. Equip your business with the tools needed to optimize efficiency, enhance customer insights, and maximize profitability. With Zyda, you'll gain a centralized platform for all your operational needs, allowing you to make informed decisions and streamline your processes.

Empower Your Business with Zyda's Control Solutions

Gain unparalleled access to customer insights in one centralized location. Track customer traffic to pinpoint the most effective growth channels, and enable customers to order directly from your branded website and mobile application.

  • Access all customer insights in one place, eliminating the need for intermediaries.
  • Track customer traffic to identify the most impactful growth channels.
  • Enable customers to order directly from your branded website and mobile application.
  • Manage unlimited orders without sacrificing profits to commissions.
  • Prevent fake orders with OTP authentication on the "Orderfast Network.

Maximize Social Media Engagement

Drive engagement and boost conversions with Zyda's activation tools, empowering you to capture the interest of every follower and optimize your marketing campaigns.

  • Activate the "Order Food" button and integrate social tracking pixels to capture the interest of every follower in your menu.
  • Manage marketing campaigns more effectively to increase conversions and save on advertising costs.
  • Own your customers' data and deliver tailored communication through social media and SMS to target each segment precisely.

Optimize Call Center Operations

Eliminate reliance on third-party call centers, ensure prompt issue resolution with dedicated agents, promote your online ordering channel effectively, and maintain control over capacity and costs.

  • Transition to a food ordering specialized call center, reducing reliance on third-party services.
  • Improve customer satisfaction by hiring agents equipped to follow up and resolve customer issues promptly.
  • Promote your online ordering channel through a dedicated IVR message and agent promotions.
  • Maintain control over call center capacity and costs by utilizing shared agents during operating hours.

See how our enabled partners are owning back their profits.

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Consult our experts to help you calculate how much you can save up by adopting our solutions.