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How to make the most of Zyda's analytics dashboard

Written by Ibrahim Zaghw | August 31, 2022

Whether you are selling online or offline, you need a way of tracking everything that is going on. You need to know who is buying from you, what they are purchasing, and how often they are doing so. In short, you need an analytics dashboard.

Now, while your weekly sales report is critical when gauging the health of your business, the actual value of a strong analytics dashboard should be more than just providing a simple excel sheet riddled with numbers. It should let you learn more about your customers. And, at the same time, it should furnish you with granular data that explores the impact of your marketing efforts.

Fortunately, Zyda provides its customers with an excellent analytics dashboard that includes everything you want.

Zyda’s analytics dashboard

The analytics dashboard contains powerful diagrams and insights that can be used to help improve businesses and adapt to the ever-changing market.

Analytics information is broken down into 4 separate tabs:

  1. 1. Sales analytics: Displays charts that show how global sales fluctuate over time.
  2. 2. Behavior Breakdown: Compares the preferences of customers. Example: Cash vs. Visa, New vs. Returning customers.
  3. 3. Best selling: Displays the list of top-selling items and categories as well as statistics about their sales.
  4. 4. Branches & Delivery Areas: Shows a detailed comparison between branches.

To see this dashboard in action, let’s look at a single use case for each of the above tabs.

Different use cases for the tabs on your Analytics dashboard

1. The Sales Analytics tab: Measure the impact of your marketing activities

The first tab we will look at is the sales analytics tab, which gives you pertinent information about your total sales during a specific period of time, your average order value during said period, and so much more.

Now, being the savvy restauranteur you are, you are probably very adept at marketing your business. For instance, any time you use a voucher or coupon with your customers, you are probably aware of the objective of the coupon in question, whether it is to increase the number of orders you receive or boost the average order value from a specific segment of customers. 

Regardless of the actual objective of the voucher, you need a way of measuring its results and seeing how close it came to achieving the goal.

This is where the analytics dashboard comes to the rescue.

To make the following explanation concrete, let’s look at an example instead of just talking abstractly.

Let’s assume that you have been using a voucher over the past two weeks to increase your average order value.

After the two weeks, you can go to the Sales Analytics tab and see what your average order value, AOV, has been during that period. Better yet, you can compare the average order value during the voucher period with the average order value for the two weeks before the voucher started. You can even compare the voucher period with the same period a year ago.

2. Behavior Breakdown tab: Measure customer loyalty

The cost of keeping an existing customer is far less than the cost of acquiring a new one. In other words, you want to do everything to keep your customers happy and coming back time and again for your delicious dishes.

So, how can you measure the impact of your efforts?

Well, for one thing, you can open the Behavior Breakdown tab and look at the percentage of returning customers compared to your new customers. This will let you know how loyal your customers are and how likely they are to order from you time and again.

And, trust me when I tell you that we have restaurants whose customers order almost four times a month from them.

  1. 3. The Best Selling tab: Improve your menu

You need to continuously improve your menu and find ways of making it more profitable. And, part of this constant improvement comes from scrutinizing each dish you serve. 

That said, one way you can upgrade your menu is by looking at your most popular dishes and seeing what the profit margins on those look like. 

For example, if your most popular dish is your Shiitake Mushroom Burger, then you want to look at the margins on that. Accordingly, let’s say that you find that you make a 2$ profit for every 12$ burger you sell, which comes around to a 17% profit margin. 

Now, suppose the burger is as popular as you think it is. In that case, you should be able to increase the price, hence increasing the margins, without impacting the overall sales too much. After all, if the burger is as popular as you think, your customers will forgive you if you increase the price within reason.

But, how do you know which of your dishes is the most popular?

Well, with the Best Selling tab, you can find out which items are the best selling online. Moreover, you can find your best-selling categories, which don’t have to align with your best-selling item: While your best seller may be the Shiitake Mushroom Burger, your hotdogs may be your most popular category.

In short, the Best Selling tab makes menu engineering a cinch.

  1. 4. Branches & Delivery Areas tab: Understand customers better depending on location

Some restauranteurs may overlook how their performance varies geographically, but I am sure that you don’t make that oversight. You are aware that if you want to open a new branch or join a ghost kitchen, you need to first analyze how you are doing in different regions to find the best location to set up shop. 

Using Zyda’s Branches & Delivery Areas tab, you can see how you are doing within various delivery zones. In other words, you might notice that you are doing great work in the north of Kuwait City, near the Grand Mosque of Kuwait, but are underperforming in the Southern region, in the Jaber Al Ali area. 

As a result, you now have a better idea of where you might want to establish your new branch.

Take things to the next level: Combine your analytics data with the data in your CRM 

In addition to the analytics dashboard, Zyda also provides you with a tool for customer relationship management, a CRM. The CRM gives you detailed information about your customers, such as their order history. It even goes the extra kilometer by segmenting your customers based on their behavior. 

Accordingly, you have direct access to your Champions, i.e. those most loyal to you, as well as to your Needs Attention, i.e. those who need a little extra love from your brand. 

As a result, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say the possibilities are endless. As an example, you can choose to target your Champions, hoping to increase their average order value. So, through the Zyda dashboard, you send them a targeted SMS campaign, enticing them to order from you and letting them know that orders over a certain amount will get a reward of some sort.

After your campaign is over, you can go to the analytics dashboard and review your results, checking to see whether you have achieved your goal or not.   

And, if you truly want to see the power a Zyda site has to offer, book a demo now. We would be happy to show you all the different elements of our dashboard and see how they can benefit your restaurant.