Blog - Zyda

Case Study: Max Burgers

Written by Ibrahim Zaghw | August 28, 2022

Max Burgers entered the Egyptian market in 2017. As it was starting, it noticed a growing trend towards online ordering. And, although it began selling through an online marketplace, it soon realized the importance of having its platform.

For Max Burgers, a platform wouldn’t only spare it from paying commissions, but it would also help increase its customers’ loyalty.

So, Max Burgers partnered with Zyda.

Within two months, Max Burgers was receiving hundreds of orders on its Zyda site. It also has been creating special offers that have just increased its online sales all the more.


Established in 1968, Max Burgers is one of Sweden’s first hamburger restaurant chains and the Scandinavian country’s favorite. It prides itself on its high-quality standards, which have enabled it to enter over 170 countries worldwide, including Egypt.

Max Burgers has been in Egypt for more than 4 years now. Today, the company has more than 10 branches distributed throughout Cairo and Giza, with two more on the way.

But, back when it was still starting in the Egyptian market, Max Burgers began selling online through online marketplaces, including Talabat.

It didn’t have an online channel or website to sell directly to the end customer.

That said, the fast-food restaurant chain wanted to get into the direct online ordering game because it was positive that this was the future, if not the present: 

  1. 1. It felt people wanted to order directly from restaurants rather than through an online marketplace. 
  2. 2. Additionally, Max Burgers saw direct online ordering as an escape from the costly commissions that had to be paid to the online marketplaces. 
  3. 3. Over and above, it reasoned that creating a direct online channel would help increase customer loyalty. After all, when a customer makes an online order from an intermediary, such as Talabat, they tie their credit or debit card to said intermediary, increasing the likelihood of using them again for future orders. 

So, why not have customers tie their credit cards to Max Burgers instead while still offering them an exemplary online experience similar to the one provided by online marketplaces?    


There were many solutions to the problem, but some were less than ideal. For instance, Max Burgers could develop a mobile application, yet this wasn’t practical because the average customer doesn’t download different applications for all the restaurants they like.

In the end, Max Burgers settled on creating its website. So, the fast-food restaurant chain set out to find the perfect partner to join them on this journey. As a result, Max Burgers’s owner started asking everyone within her immediate circle for recommendations, including her good friend, the owner of NOLA Cupcakes. 

For their part, NOLA has been one of Zyda’s clients for some time. And, seeing as NOLA was happy with Zyda’s services, they didn’t hesitate to recommend the white label solution to Max Burgers. 

So, after that strong recommendation, Max Burgers decided to partner with Zyda as well.

“Even though we deal with several online marketplaces, our customers’ experience on our Zyda site is something else entirely. The experience is detailed and broken down, which is ideal for ease of customer use and for facilitating the check-out process.” Abou el Ela, Call Center Supervisor at Max Burgers.

Check out their Zyda site below. Just click the image to experience it for yourself.


It took less than two months for Max Burgers to start accepting hundreds of orders via their Zyda site every month. They achieved this by marketing their site through Instagram and Facebook. They also relied on SMS campaigns.

Additionally, they used the Zyda site to create special offers. For example, they offered a 50-pound voucher for any order that exceeded 150 pounds. This offer alone caused their sales to triple within a single month. 

“The promotions tab is very simple for me to use. I can create a voucher or offer free delivery whenever I want to, with no problem whatsoever. In addition, I can offer specific discounts to specific customers and set the number of times a discount code can be used.” Mohamed Nasr, Brand Manager for Max Burgers. 

And, ever since they joined Zyda, their sales have also increased. Most of the customers who come to Max Burgers’s Zyda site are usually new customers. This is not to mention that their retention rate is high. In fact, the average customer orders at least twice from their Zyda site every month.